Sunday, October 7, 2007

New Day!

It's a new day... with a new site...

Delete this "Blogger/Blogspot" link and go straight to There is a whole new site waiting for you there!


Monday, October 1, 2007

Unexplainable Joy

It was one of those far-fetched thoughts that occurred on Saturday Night... at least for me. There existed a level of joy that was unexplainable. Could it have been from the incredible food? Playing cornhole? Being with friends? Seeing Terry with hair? Elk love in the air? Talking about Jesus?

No... I don't think it had anything to do with that... at least for me.

It was a radiant joy that wouldn't let me sit down for long. It was a deep abiding sense that was greater than just happiness. The honest truth... it had very little to do with the logistics of the evening. It had to do with being with people that sensed the same thing. The joy didn't come from the stuff that was happening around us. The joy was deep within and shared with one another. I could concur with Paul (Romans 14:7) that the kingdom of God is not eating or drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

That is somewhat explaining something that is unexplainable. The joy of the Lord is greater than any vacation experience and even more difficult to explain to people the details if they have never experienced it for their self.

Acts 13:52 says "the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit." If you take that verse out of context it sounds great. But leave it in context and it sounds even greater... Paul was teaching the Gentiles about salvation and this joy they had. The Jews caused the people of the city to run Paul out of the area. Paul and Barnabas shook off the dust and went on to the next city to proclaim the same truth of the New Covenant and the joy they can receive through the Spirit.

Unexplainable joy... each believer has this deep seeded fountain in them through the Spirit. May God cause you to tap into that source today and everyday! Romans 15:13


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Blogs, Forums & Communities

Just to clarify a simple personal philosophy in communication with Leavener. This blog was established as a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a few of the things the Lord is doing in my life. Blogs often reflect the personality of the author. I have chosen (at this time) to allow comments about the specific entries. Most of these have been a real encouragement to me through this process. I have removed a few that have crossed personal lines in my opinion.

An Internet forum is a website developed for the discussion of questions of public interest. At this time, I have not developed this site for that purpose. I love to discuss these issues and do quite regularly with many people. I just choose to do that communication through face to face meetings, phone calls, meals, instant messaging, e-mails, etc. That way I can know who the specific person is I am communicating to.

A community is a social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists. The way a community develops is by communicating effectively and personally. There is nothing personal about communicating anonymously.

If you look to the right of this blog entry, I have listed several different ways to discuss issues with me. If you have specific questions about Leavener I would be happy to answer them other than through this blog. The best way to get your answers would be to come hang out with us this Saturday Night as mentioned in the previous entry. You'll be safe there and have the opportunity to hang out with people that absolutely love Jesus and other people.

Let's talk,

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Leavener Lip Sync & Pitch-In

Here are the details for Saturday, September 29th: Leavener Community is gathering at Joe and Tammy Hilfiker's in Sheridan. Click here for a map. It all starts at 5:00 PM and ends when you're done having fun. The pitch-in: Leavener will provide meat and drinks. (This won't be just any meat... we're talking the real deal here!!!) We are asking that you bring two additional items (sides, desserts, etc...surprise us). Bring enough to share! Also, bring your lawn chairs or blankets.

Now for the fun part..the lip sync..just think, you might be invited to sing at next year's MTV awards! You don't have to be able to sing, you just need to be willing to have a little fun with the rest of us (costumes would be great!) Rusty, has plenty of suggestions for songs as well! Of course, you can also sit back and enjoy the performances, if that seems more fun.

Rusty will be sharing the central truth of Leavener that is the foundation of the three aspects of ministry as shared in previous blogs entries.

Please RSVP by noon on Wednesday, September 26th, to with the number attending (so we can purchase enough meat) ALSO give us your lip sync entry. Didn't get your RSVP in by the 26th? No problem, we still want you to come. Just let us know you want to attend.

Please share this information with anyone you think would be interested as the blog entries are always an "open invitation" to everyone.

We look forward to seeing you on the 29th!


Friday, September 14, 2007

Leavener Ministry Aspect #3

The third and final aspect (as of this posting), is for Leavener to gather a community of believers that want to invest in one another because of what God has done in them and through them. This is a huge white canvas with room for lots of mistakes. It is my belief by listening to people that there is a desire for gathering that isn't so structured but will center on teaching people their identity and freedom in Jesus.

The first gathering is going to take place on Saturday, September 29th at 5:00 PM. Plan to stay awhile... that is what people in a community do. I will post more details in the next few days.

The white canvas allows for creativity and spontaneity. You just never know what the Lord might do.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Leavener Ministry Aspect #2

The second aspect of Leavener will be a disaster relief ministry. With the destruction of Hurricane Katrina there has been a heightened awareness for disaster relief needs. It is a ministry that will include many people in multiple situations. The opportunities to rebuild from the Katrina destruction will last for years. Currently, there are also call outs for relief teams to Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Minnesota and Ohio.

Leavener will raise support, collect resources and send teams to the needed areas. Our hope is that we can include churches and corporations to assist with these needs. We will provide opportunities for groups of people to help rebuild a family's home and support them through the disaster process.

Serving as a youth minister for 15 years, those students are now teenagers to 37 years old. Statistics show us that 70-80% of these students have left the institution of the church after high school graduation. They are not interested in what their parents so desire for them to be a part of. Although they have given up on the church, they have not given up on helping people. Leavener can provide ministry opportunities through humanitarian efforts that will intrigue this generation to get involved aside from the church. These opportunities will also allow parents and sons and daughters to work side by side in a life changing situation. Those are experiences and memories that will last for a lifetime.

Last year I had the opportunity to take my 12 year old son to Mississippi on a relief trip. It was an incredible experience for him to see the tragedy that these people were dealing with. He loved the opportunity to help them. On the way home, he developed an ear infection. Dad had to take care of him because Mom was not on this trip. That difficult moment is a treasure of mine because I got to nurture my son.

We are in the development stages right now of sending a team on a relief trip before the end of the year. If you are interested, you can e-mail me at The dates and location have not been determined at the time of this posting.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Leavener Ministry Aspect #1

Leavener Ministry, Inc. was established in March of this year as I was transitioning from my leadership role at Northside Baptist Church. It was intended to be the bridge from what I was doing to what I will be doing. As of August, it is what the Lord has revealed to us that we are to develop through His strength. So over the next few days/entries I will try to unpack it in words.

The first aspect of Leavener will be crisis intervention. Leavener will come along side individuals, couples, families, churches and church staff as they go through their initial crisis. At the moment the crisis occurs, there is shock, grief and indecision. Leavener will support, help and love them through their crisis. Indiscretions occur with individuals, couples, families and churches all the time. It is during these times they need to hear the Good News of God's grace. Sometimes they just need to know that someone cares.

As the Leavener community grows, it will involve many to help through a multitude of crisis situations. In Acts, the community of believers gave all they had to one another. Leavener is establishing the ministry to receive donations to minister to those who are going through crisis and in need. Leavener is already recognized by the state of Indiana as a tax exempt nonprofit ministry. We are in the process of applying for our 501(c)3 through the federal government. This process has become very complicated since 9/11 and they allow start ups 27 months to complete this application. Although donations will be helpful in many situations, it will still be important to minister to physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

It is not Leavener's intention to do long term counseling. In fact, I have met with a team of local counselors and shared the plans of Leavener. They are more than willing to be used as referrals and even discussed how they can refer situations to Leavener.

As for myself, this is where the Lord has lead me in the last 7-8 years. I would have considered myself to be a "program" guy at one point in my ministry. But I definitely have a different mindset and desire to minister to people by teaching them about forgiveness and grace.
